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Sunday, 24th May 2009 08:49 AM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

Uwaga: Wiadomość archiwalna!

Urban: It`s too late now to say and what would have happened if...?

Woytek, Hugollek

"I have to admit that this fixture was very interesting, because the results were changing quite fast and we knew about them thanks to the linkman. However, we shouldn't have drawn this match. Result 3-1 to our advantage would be adequate to the situation on the pitch. Then the game became equalised – both teams had their chances to score goals"– said Jan Urban at the press conference. "We knew that this match was going to be tough. If he had won the game, we would have been at the second place in the league.
And this would be better than the third position. We'll see what is going to happen in the last fixture. However, it's too late now to say "and what would have happened if...?". What failed in this season? Generally there was lack of effectiveness – especially in the match against Wisła which we shouldn't have lost. The same situation happened today – we could have scored more goals in the first half, however we didn't. I told my players that we can have a grudge only against ourselves, because we need too many situations to score a goal" – emphasized Urban.

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